Event Videography Services

Showcase Your Business in Action with Our Professional Videography Services

Our event videographers capture key moments from conferences, trade shows, and gatherings, delivering same-day edited videos to keep your content timely and impactful. We provide event videography in Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal, as well as London, England.

Professional Videography Services for Every Event

Our expert event videographers deliver creative, storytelling-driven event videos with same-day editing. In Canada, we  offer videography in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal. In England, we provide videography services in London.

We handle all types of videography from multi-camera conference coverage to dynamic highlight reels, live streaming, trade show booth videos, and authentic on-site interviews.

For social media, we create platform-optimized short videos to amplify your event’s impact.

Looking for other video services? Explore our video production or animated video production pages for more.


“Quick, flexible, and always professional videography services.”


“The best way to showcase our event and brand in action!”


“Delivered polished, high-quality videos that exceeded expectations.”


Expert Videography for Conferences, Trade Shows, and Corporate Events

Through professional event videography, we capture every detail of your conference—keynote speeches, breakout sessions, attendee engagement, and networking moments—all with precision and expertise.

Trade Shows and Expos
Our videographers showcase your presence at trade shows, highlighting your booth, product demonstrations, and audience interactions, creating compelling videos that leave a lasting impression.

Corporate Events and Celebrations
Event videography brings the energy of corporate retreats, team-building events, and awards ceremonies to life, with skilled videographers ensuring every important moment is captured.

Capture Your Event with Professional Videography – Book Now

Event Videography Services

We offer a comprehensive suite of video editing services tailored to enhance the quality and impact of your content. Below are the different types of video editing services we specialize in, each crafted to help your business communicate effectively, engage audiences, and achieve measurable results.

Complete Conference Videography

Our professional videographers capture every detail of your conference, from keynote speeches to breakout sessions and audience engagement. Whether single-day or multi-day, we document your event with precision for marketing, internal use, or attendee sharing.

  • Captures keynote speeches, breakout sessions, and panel discussions with multi-camera setups for comprehensive coverage.
  • Provides high-quality recordings suitable for post-event marketing, attendee sharing, or employee training/onboarding.
  • Ensures seamless audio and visual integration, delivering professional-grade footage that reflects the event’s significance.

Highlight Reel Videography

Dynamic, concise videos that showcase the best moments of your event. Highlight reels are perfect for marketing, social media, and internal use, offering a powerful way to promote your event and showcase your company culture to employees, partners, and clients.

  • Edits together impactful moments, such as impactful keynote quotes, attendee engagement, and product showcases, into a concise, compelling video.
  • Designed for use across platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and company websites to amplify event exposure.
  • Perfect for internal presentations or showcasing company culture, fostering stronger connections with employees and partners.

Live Streaming Videography

Reach remote audiences with seamless, high-quality live streaming for conferences, trade shows, and corporate gatherings. We perform live editing of multiple camera feeds, slide decks, and video files, combining them into a seamless output for all major streaming platforms.

  • Streams events in real-time to global audiences on platforms like Zoom, YouTube, and Facebook Live.
  • Integrates multi-camera angles, slide presentations, and live commentary for a polished and professional experience.
  • Keeps remote attendees engaged with interactive live presentations, ensuring they feel part of the action.

Interviews and Testimonial Videography

Capture the voices of your speakers, attendees, or key stakeholders with on-the-spot interviews and testimonials. These authentic moments add depth and credibility to your event coverage.

  • Features key speakers, attendees, or stakeholders sharing insights or experiences on-site.
  • Enhances credibility by capturing genuine, unscripted moments that resonate with viewers.
  • Ideal for repurposing into promotional materials or adding depth to event recap videos.

Trade Show Booth Videography

Showcase your booth, product demos, and attendee interactions at trade shows. Create impactful videos to promote your participation and drive future engagement.

  • Highlights booth attractions, such as product demonstrations, and attendee interactions to boost trade show ROI.
  • Creates promotional content showcasing your participation, perfect for post-event follow-up with prospects.
  • Captures the energy and engagement of your booth to help secure future trade show opportunities or partnerships.

Social Media Event Videography

Our videographers capture key moments to create short, impactful videos for platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok, extending your event’s reach.

  • Produces short, attention-grabbing clips tailored for TikTok, Instagram Stories, and LinkedIn updates.
  • Captures engaging highlights, such as key speeches, product launches, or crowd energy, optimized for social media dimensions.
  • Boosts event visibility with shareable content designed to increase impressions and audience reach.

Why Companies Turn to Create Video for Event Videography Solutions

best videography services

Event Mastery

Our videographers excel at capturing high-quality moments during fast-paced live events.

corporate video set affordable production 2

Flexible Coverage

From single-camera setups to multi-camera productions, we provide adaptable solutions to fit events of any size and complexity.

fast video delivery

Quick Turnaround

Receive event highlight reels or full-length videos promptly, ensuring you can share key moments while they’re still fresh.

See Our Event Videography in Action

Browse our sample portfolio below to see how our videography captures conferences, trade shows, and corporate events with precision and creativity. Each video showcases our commitment to delivering high-quality visuals that highlight the energy and significance of your event. Note that this sample represents less than 1% of our total videography work, due to much of it being used for in-house corporate purposes (like archival, training, and onboarding use).

  • TRG
    Highlight Reel & Interview Videography
    Health Symposium
  • Absolute Security
    Highlight Reel
    Global Sales Meeting
  • Samsung
    Trade Show Booth Videography
    Cooking Tips

Inspiring Success Stories

Our clients trust us to deliver videos that make an impact. From measurable results to seamless execution, see how we’ve helped businesses stand out, connect with audiences, and achieve their objectives.

Event Videography FAQs

What’s included in your videography packages?

Our packages can include full event coverage, highlight reels, social media clips, live streaming, professional staff, and top-quality equipment. We customize each package to meet the specific needs of your event.

Where do you provide videography services?

We provide professional videography services across Canada, the USA, and Europe, including the United Kingdom. While based in Vancouver, we manage on-location teams to ensure seamless event coverage and can fly out to your event as needed. No matter the location, we’re committed to delivering exceptional results.

Do you offer same-day video editing and live video editing services?

Yes, we provide both same-day video editing and live video editing services to ensure your event video is delivered promptly.

Can you record on-site interviews or testimonials during an event?

Absolutely! We can capture interviews with speakers, attendees, or stakeholders during the event to add depth and authenticity to your event coverage.

Do you provide drone videography for events?

Yes, we offer drone videography for events held in appropriate locations. This provides stunning aerial footage that adds a unique perspective to your videos.

What happens if my event is rescheduled or canceled?

We understand that plans can change. Contact us as soon as possible, and we’ll work with you to adjust your booking based on our availability and policies.

How do I book your videography services for my event?

Simply contact us to get started. We’ll respond promptly to discuss your requirements and provide a custom proposal.