Vancouver Video Production Pricing

Get a quotation, or choose a plan

Work with us on a per-project basis or partner basis. It all comes down to how much content you need to produce. For plans, unused budget will simply rollover, so no dollar is ever wasted.

For companies needing a video partner

Single Bespoke Project

For single projects, we’ll provide you with a one-off estimate.


✅︎ Recommended Approach
✅︎ Scope of Work & Budget
✅︎ Timeline & Turnaround Time
✅︎ Style & Creative Suggestions
✅︎ Competitor/Industry Research
✅︎ Fast Turnarounds

Short Form Video Content

4x short videos for social, ads and internal content, every month


✅︎ 4x 15sec Videos Monthly
✅︎ Duration Can Be Combined
✅︎ Dedicated Editing Team
✅︎ Editing & Post-Production
✅︎ Monthly Video Strategy Meet
✅︎ Dedicated Slack Channel
✅︎ Fast Turnarounds

Premium Video Production

Everything in the short form video plan, and access to bespoke content categories


✅︎ Everything In Short Form
✅︎ Bespoke Content Options
✅︎ Dedicated Video Producer
✅︎ Talented Video Strategist
✅︎ Unlimited Video Strategy Meets
✅︎ Dedicated Slack Channel
✅︎ $2,000 For Bespoke Content p/mo (unused credit rolls over)

For video production, graphic design, and illustrations

End-to-End Creative Most popular

Powerful asset creation for a wide range of marketing and creative needs


✅︎ 10% Savings on All Content
✅︎ Video Production
✅︎ Short-Form Video
✅︎ Bespoke Video Production
✅︎ Motion Design and Toolkits
✅︎ 2D/3D Animation
✅︎ Design
✅︎ Static Web and Social Assets
✅︎ Presentation Design
✅︎ eBook & Digital Report Design
✅︎ GIF Creation
✅︎ Illustration
✅︎ Campaign & Creative Concepting
✅︎ Brand & Content Consulting
✅︎ Unused credits roll over each month


How do I know which plan is right for us?

If you need video production on a quarterly basis or have a go-to-market strategy requiring multiple video deliverables, a plan can provide optimal efficiency and pricing. Short-form plans are ideal for clients running paid ads. Premium video production is suited for clients prioritizing top-tier content. End-to-end creative services are for those seeking a full-stack creative agency experience.

What is the minimum commitment if my company goes with a plan?

We currently have a minimum service period of 3 months. Our team goes deep on setup, research, and understanding your brand— if we’re going to make that time investment, we want to see it put to good use. 3 months is also perfect for you to assess the results of our content. Results that we’re happy to be held to as a benchmark for standards.

Do you provide custom plans?

Yes, we do offer custom plans. We suggest booking a time with our team and having your marketing or content plan ready to share with us.

What billing options do you offer?

We offer monthly billing, or upfront billing. Upfront billing is eligible for a pricing reduction.

I have a single project brief. How long do you take to provide a quote?

It depends on the complexity of your brief, but the general turnaround on quotation ranges from a day (simple quote) to a week (complex proposal).

On my plan, do I work with the same dedicated team?

On a plan, your dedicated team typically consists of a producer/project manager and editor/creator. The team will typically remain consistent. The main reason for working with a new team member is if you have been producing short-form video, and then you move the budget towards a live-action production. Different kinds of videos may require different experts from the Create Video team. Your producer, however, should remain fairly consistent.